Miridon Hunters RPG

Class Skills:

Unlike talents, skills have different costs per class.

Charisma skills have a cost of [Rank] points for classes that have the skill as a class skill.

Charisma skills have a cost of 2*[Rank] points for classes that have the skill as a class skill.

Crafting skills have a cost of 2*[Rank] points for classes that have the skill as a class skill.

Crafting skills have a cost of 3*[Rank] points for classes that have the skill as a class skill.

Table 3.1 - Class Skills:
Skill NameGrand
Camaraderie X    
Rile  X   
Subtlety   X  
Jargon    X 
Negotiation     X
Arms and Armor CraftingX X   
Machinery Crafting X  X 
Technology Crafting X  X 
Magic Crafting   X  
Puzzle Crafting     X