Offensive Actions:
Melee Attack:
This [Offensive Action] can only be performed with an equipped [Sword], [Shield], [Drill], [Hammer], or [Grappling Weapon].
The target of this attack must be within a [Melee Range] of 5 feet.
When a character performs a [Melee Attack], they must first, roll a [To Hit Roll].
If the attack hits, then the character will roll for [Damage Dealt].
Melee Combo Attack:
This [Offensive Action] can only be performed with an equipped [Sword], [Shield], [Drill], [Hammer], or [Grappling Weapon].
The target of this attack must be within a [Melee Range] of 5 feet.
This attack can only be performed if in the previous [Action Block], the character performed a [Melee Attack].
When a character performs a [Melee Combo Attack], they must first, roll a [To Hit Roll].
If the attack hits, then the character will roll for [Damage Dealt].
Gun Attack:
This [Offensive Action] can only be performed with an equipped [Pistol], [Sniper Rifle], [Shotgun], or [Tesla].
The target of this attack must be within the [Range] of the weapon.
When a character performs a [Gun Attack], they must first, roll a [To Hit Roll].
If the attack hits, then the character will roll for [Damage Dealt].
Aimed Attack:
This [Offensive Action] can only be performed with an equipped [Pistol], [Sniper Rifle], [Shotgun], or [Tesla].
The target of this attack must be within the [Range] of the weapon.
When a character performs a [Aimed Attack], they must first, roll a [To Hit Roll]. The [To Hit Bonus] of the [Aimed Attack] is increased by an additional +3.
If the attack hits, then the character will roll for [Damage Dealt].
Arm Trap:
This [Offensive Action] can be performed to arm a trap.
Included in this action, a character can remove a trap from their inventory, drop the trap, and arm the trap.
This action can also be used to arm a disarmed trap that has already been placed.
Disarm Trap:
This [Offensive Action] can be performed to disarm a trap.
Included in this action, a character can disarm a trap, pick up the trap, and place the trap in their inventory.
This action can also be used to disarm a trap and leave it in place.
Any trap that is disarmed will not be triggered if someone enters the trap's range.
Initiate Grapple:
This [Offensive Action] can be performed to initiate a grapple.
The action will require a roll a [To Hit Roll].
If [Initiate Grapple] hits, the character will begin [Grappling] and the target will become [Grappled].
After the character begins [Grappling], they immediately perform [Grapple Attack].
Grapple Attack:
This [Offensive Action] can be performed by someone that is [Grappling] on a target in the [Grappled].
The character deals a [Damage Dealt] defined by the [Grapple Boost] talent.
This damage is not reduced.
Break Grapple:
This [Offensive Action] can be performed by someone that is [Grappled].
The [Strength Cost] of this action can be determined by the character.
The [Strength Cost] can be any number between 0 and the character's [Maximum Grapple Strength]. The [Maximum Grapple Strength] is found on the "Grappling" page.
The character then adds 1d6 to [Strength Cost] to calculate the [Break Grapple Power].
See the "Stances" page for details.
This [Offensive Action] can be used to reload a gun to full ammo.
The gun can be loaded with puzzle bullets or normal bullets.
Channel Spell:
This [Offensive Action] can be used while a character is in the [Spell Casting Stance] and the [Remaining Spell Cast Time] is greater than 0.
This action reduces the [Remaining Spell Cast Time] by 1.
Restore Strength Points:
This [Movement Action] restores 5 [Current Strength Points] to the character, plus 1 [Current Strength Point] for every [Rank] in [Restore Strength Points Boost]. The [Current Strength Points] cannot exceed the character's [Maximum Battle Speed Points].